About Us
School Hours
Doors Open ~ 8:20 am
Parent Pick-Up (Reverse Inclusion 3 YO Program) - 12:00pm
Parent Pick -Up (4 YO Programs) ~ 3:00 pm
Early Dismissal - 12:30 pm
Bus Dismissal ~ 3:25 pm
Welcome to Mount Hermon Preschool
Home of the Spectrum Shooting STARS!
We strive to promote academic excellence and responsible citizenship by providing a high-quality early learning experience with engaging, relevant and appropriate activities aligned to the Virginia Foundation Blocks for Early Learning. Big Day for PreK is our state approved research-based curriculum supplemented with Feeling Friends (socio-emotional component) and Waterford Early Learning programs. We strengthen our instructional program by exposing students to Spanish, playing the keyboard, the Arts, STEM and other skills that promote life-long learning. We are committed to a safe and conducive learning environment with strong parental and community partnerships.
Teaching and learning is our priority!

H-Highly Flexible
O-Our Obstacles are Opportunities
E-Eager To Teach/Energized
*providing high-quality virtual lessons
*a committement to students and families
*and strong communication